Professional's Choice Brittany Pozzi Combo Smooth Lifesaver
Professional's Choice Long Shank Bit - Lifesaver
This shank will give more leverage while maintaining a soft feel. A step up from the short shank allowing the rider to move forward to the next level of training. All of these bits should be adjusted to fit with one wrinkle in the horse's mouth and a loose curb strap to allow 2-3 fingers. This mouthpiece is a nice transition from a snaffle. The mild copper wire twist applies a more concentrated pressure to the bars and promotes more break at the poll, lateral movement and collection.NOTE: This bit will rust when exposed to moisture. This creates a sweet taste in the horses mouth and promotes salivation.
Equibrand Classic Positioner Shank Barrel Bit with Smooth Bar Lifesaver
Shank Level 2: 6-1/2-inch. Mouthpiece Level 1: Ring toggle snaffle. Gag Length: 1-1/8-inch. Smooth ring toggle mouthpiece combines with medium leverage and gag to encourage more rate, plus lateral bend and poll control. Specially designed to provide lift to the intermediate horse while encouraging lateral flexion.
Equibrand Cervi Browband Headstall and Diamond Draw Barrel Bit with Thick Copper Lifesaver
The Diamond Draw provides rate, flex, and lift. The weighted rings allow quicker release of pressure and amplify the feel to horse and rider. Copper wrapped O-ring mouthpiece encourages salivation and acceptance. The harness headstall has durable cord cheeks for smooth pickup and release with additional poll pressure.
Circle Y Of Yoakum 730 Sharon Camarillo Tender Touch Bit
Top-selling transition bit for introducing indirect control of leverage from the shank and pressure from the curb chain. Works off tongue, lips and bar pressure. Adjust headstall up to touch or one wrinkle and loosen curb to 3-4 fingers to allow gag action to work properly. Sweet iron encourages salivation for a supple feeling mouth